Try this method: Go to Appearance >> Widgets >> Here you can add blank text widget in footer column 3 and let us know if it work.
Thank You
Please send us the site URL and the login details to support@flythemes.net so we can try to make some changes.
Please send us the site url so we can check.
You can download the plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins/opal-hotel-room-booking/
We can surely help you please email some screenshots to support@flythemes.net
For this you need to go to Appearance >> Editor >> Style.css >> Here you can find .footer-column here you can change the width.
Sure we can do that. Kindly send us the details to support team.
We have done it.
Please send us to support@flythemes.net
Xml and sql is just for inner pages dummy content.
Go to Appearance >> Theme Options >> Here you can change the content or images.
Kindly send us site url, login details and order ID to support@flythemes.net so we can install the theme. There is no xml or sql file needed for theme installation.
We have email you please check.
Kindly send your site URL and the login details to support@flythemes.net so we can adjust the logo.