For Read More go to Appearance >> Editor >> header.php >> Here you can find the text “Read More” and change it.
Thank You
Hi @Jack
Please send us the site url and the login details to support@flythemes.net so we can check and resolve it.
Please send us the site url and the login details to support@flythemes.net so we will check and resolve your issue.
Do you mean inner page slider is not displaying ?
Have you go to Appearance >> Theme Options ?
Excellent 🙂
Ok, so you mean you need three categories sections which display the particular categories post right ?
Can you please send us the site url and the login details to support@flythemes.net so we can check and resolve it.
Please send us the login details to support@flythemes.net so we will check the team section and resolve this issue.
You need the blog posts displayed in the front page instead of sections right ?
Please send us the site url so we can check.
As we have check the colors looks fine. Can you please send us the screenshot of the sections where you see the different colors so we can check and resolve it. Mail us at support@flythemes.net
Please send us the site url so we can check and resolve it.
Go to Appearance >> Editor >> Header.php >> Here you can find the text “Read More” and change it.