Go to Pages and click on edit and you can see on the right hand side a drop down option called Page Template just above the featured image and select the template from that dropdown.
Thank You
Ok we will help you. Please send us the site url.
The logo seems to be very large we need to resize it. Please send us the site url and the login details to support@flythemes.net so we will do it.
We have already send you the files to your email address please check.
Do you want to add the background image in each section ?
The files are send to your email address please check.
Please send us the site url and the login details to support@flythemes.net so we can check and resolve the issue.
Hi @JasperV
Please send us the site url and the login details so we can check and resolve the issue.
The files is send to your email address please check.
Please send us the site url so we can check.
We will surely help you please send us the site url.
The updates are available for the theme please update your theme and issue will be resolved.
We have resolve your issue please check.