If you want to add shorcode in any page then do not use the php tag just directly use the shortcode in the editor. GO to Pages >> Select page and paste the shortcode.
[tabs id=’119′]
Thank You
If we can do so it will break the responsive layout of theme.
Yes you need to add the icon names in the social icons shortcode.
You need to add all the icon names from here. http://fontawesome.io/icons/
As we have check the site and everything seems fine.
Please add on this id: akash.funde
You can change the site title from go to Settings >> General >> Here you can change the site title.
Please email us at the support@flythemes.net and get these files.
We have added you on skype.
Go to Appearance >> Widgets >> Here you can add blank text widget in footer column 3.
If you want to remove that text then you need to go to that sections and remove the text so the only image will be visible.
Please send us the login detail to support@flythemes.net so we will make some changes and also fix the issue of contact form.
Please send us the site url so we will check and resolve your issue.
Go to Pages >> News Page >> Select template as blog and save it.
You need to remove the iframe code from the column shortcode.