If you are using many plugins so we recommend you to delete few of theme since plguins comes with the many js files and scripts.
Thank You
You can go to Appearance >> Customize >> Here you can find all the settings.
Please send us the site url.
Hi @Fooman
Would you like to move the Read More button ?
You want to the category post in different pages ?
As we have check the link and it seems goes on right page.
If you are using images in the pages make sure the images is well optimized also sometimes the server take some time to load.
Please send us the login details to support@flythemes.net so we will enable the button on mobile.
As we have check the team member section looks fine. Can you please explain about the issue or any screenshot ?
For this we need make some changes in the theme files. Kindly email us support@flythemes.net
You need to add the slide link so the button will appear if it leaves blank the button will not be appear.
Thank you for sending the site url as we have check the caption looks in center so do you need to push it down a bit ?
Please send us the site url so we will help you.
You please send us your site url and the login details to support@flythemes.net so we will check.