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  • in reply to: Section 3 #20017

    Hi, could you please help me where exactly I should put a link in the shorcode? I try to add instead: ”#” , instead link… Nothing work. Please could you show me the example?

    Thank you very much

    [column_content type=”one_third”][image_info_box image=”Add image path here” title=”Office Construction” link=”#” readmore=”Read More”]

    in reply to: Section 3 #19930

    Hi, thank you, I know it, but it has not worked? Simona

    [column_content type=”one_third”][image_info_box image=”” title=”Výstavba a projekce telekomunikačních sítí” link=”” readmore=”Více”] Naše společnost se od roku 2008 věnuje výstavbě a projekci telekomunikačního zařízení, hlavně pro mobilní operátory Vodafone, T- mobile O2 a Cetin. [/image_info_box][/column_content]

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