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  • in reply to: Corporate Pro #3765

    I find out!

    It works now!!

    in reply to: Corporate Pro #3762


    Thank you for your answer.

    I’ve fellow your answer and try to do as you say. But I’m probably doing wrong…

    – Here is what I’ve done (following theme Documentation exemple: Setup sevices section):

    1- Appearqance >> Theme Options >> Sections >> Section 1

    2- Then I’ve copy/paste this shortcode into Section Content:

    <div class=”hey-title”>Hey!</div><div class=”new-line”>We are Simple Builder, your new business partner</div>[services icon=”code” title=”Web Development”]Nunc sed lorem pretium, volutpat tortor id, adipiscing sem. Sed bibendum quis augue nec porta.[/services][services icon=”mobile” title=”Responsive Site”]Nunc sed lorem pretium, volutpat tortor id, adipiscing sem. Sed bibendum quis augue nec porta.[/services][services icon=”desktop” title=”Attractive Design”]Nunc sed lorem pretium, volutpat tortor id, adipiscing sem. Sed bibendum quis augue nec porta.[/services][services icon=”paper-plane” title=”Advertising”]Nunc sed lorem pretium, volutpat tortor id, adipiscing sem. Sed bibendum quis augue nec porta.[/services]

    Which normally will have to look like the copyscreen joint to that E-mail (SetupServiceSection.jpg)

    3- Then I’ve click “Save Options”.

    4- When I’ve check to home page (and refresh) it’s not any section… Just the home page.

    Please, can you tell me what is wrong ?

    Thank you for your help.


    in reply to: From Corporate Lite to Corporate Pro #3750

    – text in the slider section only appears in lower case. Can’t find where to change that.
    Go to Appearance >> Theme Options >> Custom CSS >> Add this code
    #slider .slide-cap h2{text-transform:capitalize;}


    Thank you for your answer (even it wasn’t my own question…), it’s work!
    Just buy the pro version and it help…

    I will be back with few questions soon.

    Many thanks !!

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