Stay in touch with us sign-up is not working

Home Support Themes Forum Stay in touch with us sign-up is not working

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  • #49922

    In the IT Professional theme, I am not seeing any documentation on how to setup the footer > “Stay in touch with us – sign-up for our newsletter” to make it work. The documentation covers how to change the text, but not how to make the form work. Any information would be super helpful.



    For this, you need a newsletter account. Do you have any newsletter account like mailchimp?

    Thank You


    Hi FlyThemes,
    I do; however I am not seeing where to connect it to the theme. There are only areas for adding text. (No API Key or script fields.) Thank you in advance for more info on where to hook it in.


    Mailchimp is working on a separate page, but it is still not working on the IT Professional theme homepage. I tried deleting the text under the Theme Options footer settings to make that entire section disappear, but the form portion remains there, completely useless. Do you have any additional information on how this feature works/needs to be configured? Otherwise I need to go with a different theme and completely wasted my money here. Thank you.


    For anyone else having trouble getting the newsletter sign-up to work on the IT Professional theme homepage, you can hide this section by going to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and adding the following CSS:

    display: none;

    This feature would add great value to the template. I look forward to a solution, so I can utilize it. These themes are beautiful and amazing and are worth twice their price with a little more documentation.



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