Decorator Pro (Read more, slider problems)

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  • #24879
    Justin Fargier


    I’m back with my website now online so that you can help me figure out my issues :

    the website

    1) The main page slider doesn’t display on smartphones, it keeps loading but nothing appears. What wan I do to fix this ?
    2) I’m trying to change the text into the “Read More” buttons of the section 3 in the main page but there is no option for it. How can I do ? And in general how can I do to change those buttons anywhere else.
    3) I can’t change the text color into the Section 4 (Get a quote) from the menu. When I change the text color into the menu (text color for get a quote section) nothing happens ? Why ?
    4) I can’t insert a map from google in order to show my business location, I copy and paste the code from google maps but nothing happens.I want to do it on my contact page.
    5) I’m also trying to change the “Submit” button for the contact form to a french word, also the text displayed in the boxes that people have to fill in order to contact me are in english, is there a way to change that ?

    Thank you so much fo your help,





    Kindly send your site URL and the login details to so we can check.

    Thank You

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