Forever WordPress Theme

Forever WordPress Theme

Wedding WordPress Theme

What's Include?

  • Main Theme File
  • Child Theme
  • XML File
  • Widget Data (WIE) File
  • All Images & Demo Content
  • Premium Support
  • In Future Update's
  • WordPress Version 6.7.2
  • Images Lazy Loading
  • Responsive

Browser Support

The Wedding WordPress theme is the platform which make easier for the user to show their loved and get new ideas for their wedding plan. Everyone wants something special for their wedding when they plan about it. The wedding includes friends, family of the people. This theme is also useful for those who want to make their wedding so special because in a single website user will get all the collection of their requirement.

This theme is definitely easy to understand to the user which has the sections like groom, bride, reception facility, contact us etc which has been described properly. So it becomes easy for the user to do select for their requirement.

The theme contains a flexible slider on the right and it is usable for the people. And menu is also designed nicely on the top.

In the theme the facility to change the color is provided so anyone can choose their colors to change the color of element according to their preferences. This theme is SEO friendly and responsive.

Other social media links like facebook, twitter etc are provided here in wedding WordPress theme so that the relatives and other family members can get connect with each other. By using this link they can get communicate with each other and can also share details. Engagement or wedding ceremony and details of party are given in the section so the user can check the details from that section.

Wedding WordPress theme can be installed in free. So it will never be a headache for the user to install it. Once the installation is done so the user can quickly use the website and according to them can change the images, text etc. This theme is GPL licensed so no need to worry about the licensing issues.

The theme contains all the essential features which are helpful to create the wedding website with a beautiful look which will be helpful to attract the people.

Blog section is provided that can be used to use to describe the news related to the wedding or other important things related to the wedding. Contact details, email, location is also provided in the site. The inner page can also design easily by using proper content in less time.

The Wedding WordPress theme is available with proper documentation and manuals so it becomes easy to design the site with less time and attractive. The theme is designed by using a standard coding level and many plug-in are used which is compatible with them like next gen which provides many images.

The homepage of the website is designed so beautiful it also has the detail about the bride and the groom. It is designed nicely so the user will revisit the site. And definitely will try to spend more time on it. And when user will search on the Google they can also find the site easily on that.

The Wedding WordPress theme is built by using the practical and modern Options Framework. This wedding and marriage site has many templates with proper layouts which will provide the owner of the website a comprehensive and straightforward interface to modify any parts of the website pages from colors, layouts and other functionality. Even user can preview all the suitable changes of the content before they get appear on the website.

The Wedding WordPress theme is also compatible with woocommerce so it becomes easy for online shopping for the user. The contact forms are tested one so that anyone want to contact you can easily get the contact information.

This theme is lightweight and simple, properly directed to user and customer and easy to follow and understand. Wedding WordPress theme offers many features and easy for the user to handle it.

The user need not to worry because the wedding WordPress theme also contains the error pages like 404 which will show the type of error occurred. The search page is also available for the user so that they can search anything as per their requirement. It is a full-width page template and can be loaded with the standard layout. And also integrated with the proper and standard font size which makes it more beautiful.

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