Cars WordPress Theme

Cars WordPress Theme

Car Wordpress Theme

What's Include?

  • Main Theme File
  • Child Theme
  • XML File
  • Widget Data (WIE) File
  • All Images & Demo Content
  • Premium Support
  • In Future Update's
  • WordPress Version 6.7.2
  • Images Lazy Loading
  • Responsive

Browser Support

Cars WordPress theme comes with a unique design specially built for cars, servicing center, cars rental, motor deals and automobile industries. If you are looking for a premium theme, you really want to go above and beyond and you really want to make your WordPress website amazing then stick around this theme can help you do so easily and quickly. This WordPress theme comes with some amazing and impressive features made to have all the essentials at hand for any topic or use. This cars WordPress theme has tons of pre-built options for blogs and portfolio layouts. This theme is fully responsive and compatible with the latest version of WordPress it also compatible with some popular plugins like wocommerce and contact form 7.

You can easily set and customize the layout of the car site like header, footer, widgets, posts, car pages, blog pages, team page and so on.

Blog post itself is just beautiful because it actually comes with a builder you can actually build inside the blog post without having to use the standard WordPress editor but that’s all going to change soon with Gutenberg.

If you are doing blogging or you want to do like a review website the cars WordPress theme is definitely Worth it because it just offers so much.

Also you can add like video where someone can click on it it’ll start playing a video etc. it’s a very nice WordPress theme that we feel is just super overlooked.

This cars WordPress theme has tons of other amazing things like body background settings to set body Background and this option is given for boxed and framed layout.

Let’s move to site logo settings, you can set side logo as text or image. Separate logo option is given for sticky header mobile along with height. Logo option is also given for admin login page as well as maintenance pages.

In side preloaded option, here you can set side preloaders as you can show or hide preloaders. In preloader image option, you can display image by three ways first is you can use predefined loaders second you can upload your custom image and last is you can display loader images by coding.

You can set header height for both desktop and mobile. Also, you can set the alignment of the title bar. In banner type, you can set page header banner as image video or background color set as per your need. Bottom sections are displayed based on your banner type selection.

Also cars WordPress theme comes with multiple column layouts for footer where you can set colors for footer title text and link colors here you can set background type also you can set the background as image or color as you can see bottom options are displayed as per your selection. Footer top section displaying social icons which you can modify some icons from theme options.

let’s see page settings, you can set cars per page and number of columns in car listing for car listing page layout we provided different layouts.

You can also use contact form 7 with this car WordPress theme where you have to just add contact form 7 shortcode in text box which displayed in dialogue.

Among other useful features, this car WordPress theme can benefit from, easy import channels; online payment, e-commerce support, and a variety of customization.

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