Do not remove the #. But if it still not centering then we need to check the css comes with the video tag.
Thank You
Try to add this css to css file.
#playerElement{margin: o auto; text-align:center;}
Kindly send us the page URL so we can check and help you.
Do you mean the featured image behind the page title?
The sample data is only available in pro version.
You can take all the icons from. https://fontawesome.com/v5.15/icons?d=gallery&p=2
Go to Appearance >> Editor >> css/nivo-slider.css >> line no 102 here you can make below changes.
make right:13% to right:0; add left:0; make margin:0; to margin:0 auto; make text-align:right to text-align:center
margin:0 auto;
Once you install pro version then all your posts and pages will remain the same but you need to make few changes again like slider and color because free version comes with a customizer and pro version has theme options panel.
If we make the first slide caption in center then all the other caption will align center since they get the same css.
Go to Settings >> Readings >> Here you can select latest post options so homepage sections will be visible.
Please send us the site URL so we can check.
What would you like to place in center and right?
That’s Great 🙂
Go to Appearance >> Theme Options >> Basic Settings >> Custom CSS >> Here you can add below code.
.innerbanner::before { background-color: inherit !important; }
Please send us the email to our support email so we can change the new email address.