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Tagged: clovermix, Mobile, responsive
I’m having a weird issue. My website http://institutospringfield.com is not being responsive when accessed from a mobile device. I tried looking at it from http://www.responsinator.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Finstitutospringfield.com and http://responsivetest.net/#u=http://institutospringfield.com|640|1136|2 and it looks fine, but when I access it from my phone (BLU X-Lite) I can’t see the images (I use Android & Google Chrome as browser) nor execute any javascript (apparently), the dropdown menu isn’t there either…
One thing I noticed is that if I choose to view it as in a computer (From the Chrome options) I see it exactly it is in the emulators… any idea?
I just found this http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/188419/why-is-this-jquery-java-script-code-not-working-in-mobile-in-devices Could that be it? How would I solve it?
As we have check the site in mobile and looks fine. Please let us know if the issue is still exist.
Thank You
I finally figured it out, thanks. The problem was the site had been hacked and included a strage .htaccess which was deriving traffic away.
I had removed it from the root directory but failed to do so from the subdirectories. Once I took care of that everything went back to normal.