I want to have a fixed header on every page with the precious lite theme.
It works perfectly on the first page with the slider, but unfortunately on the other pages, breadcrumb and page content stick to the top of the screen behind the menu. I can not find a way to fix that.
After your work on the site on 11th february it worked great, but I do not know why the header is not fixed anymore on pages despite the fact that I saved the header file before updating.
Could you help me again and tell me which file to save ?
After your work on the site on 11th february, it worked fine. But unfortunately, since last update, header fixed on pages does not work anymore despite the fact that I use a child theme and that I saved the header file.
Could you please help me again and tell me which files to save ?
Further to your mail of today, it still does not work. I have cleared the cache and tested it in firefox and chrome, on different computers and tablets on wide side.
Only the welcome page is correct. On the other pages, the header is not fixed, and if I set the position header to fixed, the breadcrumb move to top and I do not find the way to fix it.
But I now have a problem with the beadcrumb. If I have a look on a tablet on wide side, the breadcrumb do not stick to the header, I think this is due to the margin top in the main container.
I also wanted to have a fixed breadcrumb, which is impossible with a tablet or mobile view due to this margin.