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  • #6033

    Hi guys,

    I need your help with several issues:

    1. Services section
    The label “see all cuts” for the services section can be changed only by modifying the following file:
    At the moment this fix works but at the next theme update I will have to redo it.
    Is there an easier option for me to change it?

    2. The preloader image and the scroll to top image
    This is causing me issues because if I change the color scheme these 2 images remain the same as they actually come in one colour only.

    I found both of them here

    Now, did I miss something in order to have these 2 images using the same colour scheme my whole website is using? How can I fix this?

    3. Screen resolution
    If I have a screen over 1400px wide I do not get full screen width.
    Is this to be solved with the next update?

    4. Footer
    I can’t find an option to disable the footer completely.
    For the moment the solution I found is to add
    `#main-footer {display: none;}
    to the custom css section of the theme.

    I would be happy with this solution if only it would not break the scheduled solution.
    How should I fix this?

    The website is, if you need credentials I will happily provide them.
    Also, from the email address associated to this account I sent an email to support with proof of buy and another issue.



    1. Services section
    The label “see all cuts” for the services section can be changed only by modifying the following file:
    At the moment this fix works but at the next theme update I will have to redo it.
    Is there an easier option for me to change it? Dont worry the update wont effect that changes.

    2. The preloader image and the scroll to top image
    This is causing me issues because if I change the color scheme these 2 images remain the same as they actually come in one colour only. Yes because they are images. Let us know the color code so we will change the images with that color.

    I found both of them here

    Now, did I miss something in order to have these 2 images using the same colour scheme my whole website is using? How can I fix this?

    3. Screen resolution
    If I have a screen over 1400px wide I do not get full screen width.
    Is this to be solved with the next update? We will surely resolve it please send us the site url and the login details to

    4. Footer
    I can’t find an option to disable the footer completely.
    For the moment the solution I found is to add
    `#main-footer {display: none;}
    to the custom css section of the theme. Hi We will add an options for this once we get the details.

    I would be happy with this solution if only it would not break the scheduled solution.
    How should I fix this?

    The website is, if you need credentials I will happily provide them.
    Also, from the email address associated to this account I sent an email to support with proof of buy and another issue. Please send us the site url and the login details.

    Thank You


    Hi guys,

    1. OK

    2. The color code is #00704a

    3-4. Sent login details at the provided email.

    Thanks for the help



    I bought and installed HairStyle Pro on my new WordPress website

    I also bought and installed the plugin “booked calendar”.

    But there is a problem:

    Whenever I click on the front end calendar, nothing happens, while it should then be possible to e.g. switch calendars or to schedule an appointment.

    I already contacted Booked Calendar, and they told me to inform you about this error:

    Uncaught TypeError: jQuery (…).nivoSlider is not a function (…).

    Could you please see to it. There seems to be a conflict with the theme Hairstyle Pro.



    Hi @JasperV

    Please send us the site url and the login details so we can check and resolve the issue.

    Thank You


    Hi guys,

    Any updates?

    Also, at no. 4, when I hide the footer by css the scheduled area does not work in chrome.
    In mozilla or microsoft edge/ explorer I can see it.



    Hello there, did you receive the login details and site? Will you be able to resolve the issue? Thanks.


    I have been trying to deactivate the smooth scroll in order to allow the whole website to load instantly, as sometimes if the header image is too “small” users do not seem to understand that they need to scroll down.

    Anyone can help me? seems that I can’t figure it out. (




    What is happening?

    More than two weeks have passed since I opened the topic and no answer or communication whatsoever.

    As I paid through paypal I will ask for a refund if you do not offer support as you have stated when selling the theme.



    We have resolved your issue. Please check.

    Thank You


    From my problems only 1 and 2 are solved.

    Number 3 is not solved.

    3.Screen resolution
    If I have a screen over 1400px wide I do not get full screen width.
    Is this to be solved with the next update? We will surely resolve it please send us the site url and the login details to

    Also, number 4 is not solved, is just patched.

    I’ve asked if it’s a possibility to disable the footer, not to hide/ remove it.
    I intend to use the footer when I will have the blog section complete.
    Not to mention that the copyright has been removed as well.


    Hi @makapa

    We have already resolve other issue please check your site by deleting cache.

    Thank You


    When will you solve my issue?

    Still waiting …

    Also to load the site it takes about 30 seconds …



    Thank you.
    Have a nice weekend.



    I’ve been waiting for almost a month now for you guys to resolve my issue with Hairstyle Pro.
    C’mon, I think I’v been very patient here.

    The problem (again):

    HairStyle Pro and Booked Calendar don’t seem to match.
    The Calendar functions on ANY theme, except on HairStyle Pro.

    Login website


    It’s really frustrating that I don’t even hear from you guys anymore!

    Please, solve this matter, at least contact me back, after all, that’s what I’ve payed for, right??

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