Error while installing sample data

Home Support Theme Installation Guide Error while installing sample data

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  • #21595


    I’ve bought Adventure Pro and follow the steps in the guide. When i installed the XML file i get the following errors. Here are a few of them. I only see the sample page and not the sample data like on the demo version. Can you help me please?

    Failed to import product_visibility exclude-from-catalog
    Failed to import product_visibility exclude-from-search
    Failed to import product_type external
    Failed to import product_visibility featured
    Failed to import product_type grouped
    Failed to import product_visibility outofstock
    Failed to import product_visibility rated-1
    Failed to import product_visibility rated-2
    Failed to import product_visibility rated-3
    Failed to import product_visibility rated-4
    Failed to import product_visibility rated-5
    Failed to import product_type simple
    Failed to import product_cat Uncategorized
    Failed to import product_type variable
    Failed to import product_cat Hiking Kit
    Failed to import product_cat Hiking Shoes
    Failed to import product_cat Swiming Costume



    The sample data is already available inside the theme. Once you install and activate the theme go to Settings > readings >> Here you can select latest post option. Please let us know if you need any help.

    Thank You



    I’ve send you a e-mail with login details 🙂



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