Unfortunately the communication is not very fluid but I can understand it.
For now I have these doubts.
1-How do I modify or introduce images in section 2, do I have to put them somewhere?.
2-How do I modify the images in section 4 “our projects”?.
3-How do I modify in section 5 the box “Request a call back” or were is the page for change this?
4-I have created a primary menu that appears on the top right, “home-services-about us….”, when I click on one of them, takes me to a page, how do I edit those pages, how do I modify the wigets that appear by default?.
When I go to the Widgets section in the Appearance menu I don’t see them anywhere.
Thank you very much, we’ll talk, sorry for my English but it’s bad and I have to use a translator.
Thank you