Deniz if you are wanting to change the actual text “learn more” you have to do it in the Appearance editor in the Theme Header (header.php) section. You have to change it in the code. Scroll down until you see this…
<?php } ?>
<?php if( of_get_option(‘slideurl’.$sln, true) != ”){ ?>
“><?php _e(‘Learn More’,’awesomeone’); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if( of_get_option(‘purchaselink’, true) != ”){ ?>
“><?php _e(‘Get a Quote’,’awesomeone’); ?>
<?php } ?>
} ?>
Where it says (‘Learn More’,’awesomeone’); change the wording Learn More. If you look at the next few lines you can see where I changed the “Purchase Now” button text to “Get a Quote”. I hope that helps. Be careful of anything you change in this code and only do it of you feel confident in it. Change or delete the wrong thing and you can mess up your site.