I’m using “Page builder by SiteOrigin” to build my homepage. And using the theme “Hairstyle”.
I put the shortcode of the section 1 :
[content_with_image image="http://localhost:8888/chic-trendy/wp-content/themes/hairstyle-pro/images/welcome-thumb.jpg" image_position="left" sub_title="One of the most leading hair salon" title="Welcome" button_text="Read More" button_link="#"] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas imperdiet ex at mauris varius interdum. Fusce mattis gravida libero, nec sollicitudin eros finibus at. Praesent ex diam, mattis vitae efficitur vel, egestas sed neque. Sed congue interdum cursus.
Nullam in tincidunt neque. Cras enim tortor, porta id tempor vel, placerat et tellus Fusce mattis gravida libero, nec sollicitudin eros finibus at. Praesent ex diam, mattis vitae efficitur vel, egestas sed neque.[/content_with_image]
It displays the content well. If i duplicate it, it’s ok too. But when i want to put an other shortcute (For example the shortcut of the section 8) after this one: the website no longer displays anything (not even the header,..).
Example of the section 8 that is not displayed:
[column_content type="one_fourth" subcls="ipad-half"][image_box image="http://flydemos.net/hairstyle/wp-content/themes/hairstyle-pro/images/work1.jpg" title="Hairsetting" link="#"] Test Sed vehicula libero quis enim aliquam, ut viverra [/image_box][/column_content]
[column_content type="one_fourth_last" subcls="ipad-half"][image_box image="http://flydemos.net/hairstyle/wp-content/themes/hairstyle-pro/images/work4.jpg" title="Hairstyle" link="#"] Test Sed vehicula libero quis enim aliquam, ut viverra [/image_box][/column_content][clear]
Do you know why? Thanks